According to Shobhan Chaudhry, general manager (GM) of Northern Railway, who visited the site on Thursday, H2-powered trains are anticipated to run from Haryana’s Jind district by the end of this year, marking a first for the nation. Jind is also home to the nation’s first hydrogen plant, which is being built there.
According to officials, only Germany has hydrogen-powered trains in operation, and the world is closely watching this initiative to see how India will launch these trains.
The first hydrogen factory in India is being built close to the Jind district’s railway intersection. According to officials, the plant development has reached its conclusion and hydrogen will be made from water.
The Northern Railway’s Jind-Sonipat section is anticipated to host the first hydrogen train prototype in the fiscal year 2023–2024. They said that the country will experience a new first because trains are now powered by both fuel and electricity.
The eight-bogy hydrogen fuel-powered train will be environmentally benign. According to Jai Prakash, a station master assigned to the Jind district, the officials informed the GM about the procedure for collecting hydrogen fuel and the way that it is filled into trains.
Source: The Economic Times
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